Massimo Scuffi
Italian Representative Committee UPC
Massimo Scuffi is a former Supreme Court Judge ,President of the Court of Aosta and currently member of the Italian Patent & Trademaks board of appeals.
He was legally qualified member of EPO Enlarged Board of Appeal and President emeritus of IPJA - Intellectual Property Judges Association.
He is Italian delegate in the UPC Advisory Committee and member of PTO Academy.
He has broad experience in IP and antitrust area ,taking part to several European judiciary training projects ,and was appointed as a teacher in refreshing courses for EU judges ,experts ,public officers ,lawyers.
He is author of many scientific publications ( inter alia the dictionay item on IPRs protection in Treccani encyclopedia )and of the following books:
* Protection of IPRs by the procedures before PTO (2023).
* The new European patent system (2016).
* (Treaty)Italian industrial law (2013).
* Procedural law on intellectual property - (2009).
* Italian Code of industrial property law - (2005).
* Procedural law on patents and trademarks (2000).